This is a place for the best of the best

Nyhus is a champion who has clients’ backs, is reliable
under pressure and speaks truth to power.


of boards and community organizations our team serves on and supports


of team members who take public transit or walk to work


of pounds of cheese consumed by the team each year (on site only, what we do in our free time is no one’s business)


of Spotify or Pandora stations listened to

Careers at Nyhus

Summer 2019 Internship

We are looking for our next amazing summer intern! The Nyhus internship is developed to give broad exposure to a boutique agency experience including support of marketing, public affairs and public relations to teams on client-facing and internal initiatives and projects. The internship is hands-on and approximately three months long. Learn more

“I am proud of the work we do to tell stories. We are facilitators, working to connect the pillars of our civic structure to inspire informative and interesting dialogue.”

− Mike Gilmore, Account Supervisor

“Nyhus has a sense of family that makes it fun and rewarding to come to work every day.”

− Heidi de Laubenfels, Chief Operating Officer

“The Nyhus team and leadership are committed to strengthening the foundation of the organization for the long-term.”

− Karen Johnson, Vice President