Awards Dinner Participants Highlight Inclusion, Equality

Awards Dinner Participants Highlight Inclusion, Equality

By February 23, 2017 Featured No Comments

roger and roomAs President and CEO of the Greater Seattle Business Association, Louise Chernin has a broad view into the economic and humanitarian concerns of the greater Seattle region. She’s spent years cultivating the community of 500-plus assembled at the GSBA’s 36th Annual Business and Humanitarian Awards Dinner on Feb. 16 to honor LGBTQ and allied small-business and nonprofit leaders. And her spirit infused the room with positive energy around progressive values.

Throughout the night, speakers highlighted the progress made by this community in recent decades. Importantly, a focus on diversity, inclusion and equity has been good for business. Embracing and defending vulnerable communities has resulted in sustainable revenue and growth for the small enterprises honored that evening.

In addition to the recognition and awards, the evening featured remarks by Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee, King County Executive Dow Constantine and Seattle Mayor Ed Murray. Underscoring the overall message of the evening, each spoke to his own efforts and styles in safeguarding equal rights. What came through was obvious: Championing progressive values takes many forms.

capehart and rogerJournalist and TV personality Jonathan Capehart brought it home in his keynote address. A member of the Washington Post editorial board and longtime friend of Nyhus, Capehart admitted being caught off guard by the night’s energy. (You’d be forgiven for assuming an awards dinner to be a staid affair, but this night was nothing of the sort.) As Capehart spoke to his own personal reasons to stay vigilant, he called attention to the individuals—especially the Award recipients—in the room and the quiet acts of service and care that will be powerful in the years ahead.

At Nyhus, we live and breathe the spirit of community connection that organizations like the GSBA represent. It’s our strong belief that business can be a powerful engine for a thriving community.

We are proud to be members of the GSBA and to support the values of equality, diversity and inclusion that it champions.
