5 Questions with Courtney Morris, Public Affairs & Public Relations Intern

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Continuing our “5 Questions” series, meet Courtney Morris, the public relations and public affairs intern at Nyhus Communications. Courtney graduated from WSU – Pullman in May, with a degree in Strategic Communication and an emphasis in Public Relations. We sat down with Courtney to discuss her internship at Nyhus:


What will your role at Nyhus include?

I am working as an intern for both the public relations and the public affairs teams. This has been a great opportunity so far to see how two different communication focuses tackle projects and challenges.


What are you looking forward to most in your internship?

As many communication focused grads know, the final semester of your college career is filled with a number of hard decisions to make. Where do you want to live? Do you want to focus on in-house work or go with an agency? Large or small? During the application process I had heard from a mentor that the team at Nyhus was “extremely talented.” That sentiment stuck with me throughout the decision-making process; now that I am here I am looking forward to having my chance to learn from some of the best during my time at Nyhus.


What’s the best part about your internship so far?

I felt like I could be a part of the team from day one. I was quickly invited to group meetings, had the chance to learn about the different sectors at Nyhus and I was given projects to work on from the get go.


What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod?

Right now I am addicted to Sam Smith’s Stay with Me. If you have somehow not already heard it on any number of radio stations I would highly recommend it.


At what age did you become an adult?

I do not think that I have acquired the necessary qualifications to be considered an adult yet, there is simply no way that I am one right now. In the middle of July I will be turning 23, maybe that is the magical age when you transition over? I will have to get back to you.