5 Questions with Marc Berger, China Practice Manager



Continuing our “5 Questions” series, meet Marc Berger, the China Practice Manager and Global Advisors Manager at Nyhus Communications. Marc brings extensive international expertise and experience in foreign policy and U.S.-China relations to the practice. We sat down with Marc to discuss his work at Nyhus:


What will your new role at Nyhus include?

Nyhus is setting its sights on international business because Seattle is a fantastic bridge for global innovators who want to enter the US market. The centerpiece of our strategy is the newly launched China Practice, which I head. In this practice, we will develop customized strategic and communication solutions for Chinese companies that want to establish or grow their presence in this country. We have an impressive team of professionals on hand who have decades of experience living in China and working with Chinese companies and I am excited to work with our team to build out this new segment of the company.


What’s the best part about your new job so far?

Seattle has a vibrant and active community interested in US-China relations and engaged professionally with China. Since moving from New York a few months ago, I’ve had a wonderful time getting to know these people and learning about how our relationship with China impacts an entirely new geography. Nyhus as a company, and my colleagues as individuals, have a wide range of very impressive connections both in Greater Seattle and Greater China. It has been exciting to integrate myself into this new environment.


What was the last experience that made you a stronger person?

Relocating from New York with my wife a few months ago was a difficult process, both logistically and emotionally. I had been in New York for over six years at that point, but my wife had been there nearly her entire life. Saying goodbye to family and friends – not to mention our favorite bagel shop owners and bartenders – was difficult, and we miss all the wonderful things that come with living in Brooklyn. But Seattle has been a blast to explore and luckily the Nyhus team has no shortage of great recommendations for everything from neighborhood eateries to can’t-miss weekend hiking trips. And now with a new member in the family, we’re in pretty great shape.


 The newest Berger, “Ruby”

What’s one thing about you that would surprise me?

I can name all the presidents in order. Really fast. And I’ve never seen Top Gun.


Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?

Giovanni Ribisi. All the time. He’s well-known enough that people recognize his face and can name a movie or two that he’s been in, but not so much that they actually know his name. So I get a lot of people snapping their fingers in my face trying to come up with the name that, somehow, never quite comes to mind.