5 Questions with Ayano Swisher

5 Questions with Ayano Swisher

Our new intern, Ayano Swisher, shares what she is hoping to accomplish at Nyhus and provides an update on her quest to bake the perfect sourdough loaf.

What are you looking forward to most in your new position?
Most of my background has been in marketing and social media, so I’m really looking forward to further myself into a more PR-oriented position.

What is your proudest career moment?
My proudest moment would be my first time working on a campaign from start to finish for a band I really like called The Transplants (which consists of members from Blink 182 and Rancid). I created and sent out press kits, I transcribed lyrics from the entire “In a Warzone” album (which was meticulous but still kind of fun), and I went to their concert and handed out posters. It was really rewarding and kind of surreal to work on a project for a band I liked since middle school.

How do you see the public affairs/PR landscape changing in the next few years?
With the skepticism within the media, I feel that there will be a stronger demand to provide data and sources to the public. Additionally because of the skepticism with mainstream media, I think the public will rely more heavily on PR/PA influencers for recommendations and opinion.

Any advice for aspiring PR/PA pros?
Read a lot.

What was your New Year’s resolution?
This year, I really got into baking sourdough bread. My resolution is to create the perfect loaf and I’m not quite there yet, but my loafs have gotten much better looking since January. Also, the Breadit community is the friendliest community on Reddit. They really love to help you troubleshoot and cheer you on with your baking progress.