5 Questions with Jane Nellams, Receptionist & Administrative Assistant

By September 4, 2014 Uncategorized No Comments

Continuing our “5 Questions” series, meet Jane Nellams, who worked as a reporter for three newspapers and as a public relations director for two community colleges. Jane has served on the Boards of Directors for Seattle Shakespeare Company and KUOW Public Radio, and has been an active member of the Junior League of Seattle. We sat down with Jane to discuss her role at Nyhus:

What will your new role at Nyhus include?

I don’t lead the parade here. I line up the marchers, that is, I look after a lot of details so that everybody else is free to do his or her job. That includes traditional receptionist tasks, planning some internal social events,  keeping our Commons area tidy, stocked and complete with fresh coffee. It may sound mundane but I’m using every academic, professional and volunteer skill I ever learned because there’s a new challenge every day.

What’s the best part of your job so far?

Learning the culture has been such an adventure because it is so completely different from any place I’ve ever worked. The atmosphere is positive and creative. It’s such an honor to be part of this team.

What is your most memorable career moment?

I have two and both involved trading roles with a famous person. The first was interviewing Ed Bradley of “60 Minutes” while I was a reporter. The other was directing a public service announcement for a film class being taught by director Stanley Kramer when I worked in public relations for Bellevue Community College. I interviewed an interviewer and directed an Oscar nominated director.

How do you see the PR/PA landscape changing in the next few years?

My last professional PR job was 18 years ago. It has already changed remarkably. When I left it, there was no social media at all. Everything was about churning out press releases, getting stories placed in various print and broadcast media, and handling internal communications for the colleges where I worked. I used to have to tell college instructors that having their classes posted on an outdoor reader board might not be their best strategy to attract students. They never believed me.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Amazingly, I don’t know. Eight months ago, I was totally focused on raising my daughter and had been for the previous 18 years. Now she’s in college halfway across the country. It’s the start of my third act and most of the pages are still blank.