5 Questions with Katie Skipper

5 Questions with Katie Skipper

The Nyhus team is pleased to welcome Katie Skipper as its newest account supervisor! Read on for the latest installment in our 5 Questions series, where you’ll learn more about Katie’s great advice for aspiring PR/PA professionals.

What are you looking forward to most in your new position?

There are so many things that I’m excited about in this position, but one thing that I’m looking forward to is helping people talk about what matters to them in a way that resonates with others and helps build connections.

What is your favorite thing about working in the PR/PA industry?

This work gives me a free pass to be curious and learn about different people and all the amazing things they do. And I feel like I can make a positive difference in people’s lives by helping them work toward their goals. It’s my job to listen, understand, think and be creative. What could be better?

Any advice for aspiring PR/PA pros?

Be curious and open. Rather than trying to have all the answers, learn how to ask excellent questions. Accept criticism – even hard criticism – as a gift and use it to get better.

What do you like to do outside of work?

Outside of work, I’m pursuing my Master of Communication in digital media through the University of Washington’s Communication Leadership Program. My husband Jason and I are parents to Josie, our amazing 8-year-old daughter. We love getting outside and take every opportunity to go play in the mountains. I’m a big fan of dance, so I treat myself to tickets to Pacific Northwest Ballet performances. But honestly, with life as busy as it is, I’m happy to steal a few minutes on the couch in front of Netflix with a bowl of freshly popped popcorn and an ice-cold IPA.

What’s one thing about you that would surprise me?

I drove a tour bus in Alaska when I was 21. A friend thought it would be fun, and we jumped at the adventure.