5 Questions with Alicia Patterson

5 Questions with Alicia Patterson

Continuing our “5 Questions” series, Alicia Patterson shares her advice for aspiring communications professionals and her proudest career accomplishment.

1. What’s your favorite thing about working in the PR/PA industry?

PR/PA exposes you to an array of issues and businesses. I enjoy learning about the challenges facing developing industries and established organizations, and having an open-mind on new projects.

2. What is your proudest career moment?

A few years back, I was working with a pro-Iranian democracy group. As part of this project, I traveled to Paris and interviewed several U.S. politicians and members of parliament from throughout Europe.  My most memorable interviews include Rudy Giuliani, Ed Rendell, Newt Gingrich, and Frances Townsend.

3. Any advice for aspiring PR/PA pros?

Read the newspaper, local, national and global news. If you don’t like to read then listen to a podcast, but be in the know about what is going on in your community, state and country. You don’t have to be an expert on every issue but you want to be able to contribute meaningful commentary in conversations with your peers.

4. What do you like to do outside of work?

I am a very active person and I love working out, hiking, running, biking, skiing! You can sign me up for almost any physical activity and bet I would show up!

5. What’s one thing about you that would surprise me?

Although all my work experience lies in public affairs, I went back to school for my MBA and concentrated in accounting. I wanted to develop and hone a skill that was totally outside of the work I do daily. It also made me realize I could never be a tax accountant!